The Adventures of a Livestock Guardian Dog

The Adventures of a Livestock Guardian Dog are a series of children’s picture books based on our Great Pyrenees, Sugar. She loves life on the farm and is learning to take care of the chickens. However, unfamiliar sounds and smells make her nervous. 

Sugar was born on February 6, 2019. Our daughter was wanting a puppy and I insisted on a Livestock Guardian Dog. In those three years, she has learned a lot plus became a mommy, and is teaching Honey how to take care of chickens.

Sugar the chicken dog; The Adventures of a Livestock Guardian Dog

Sugar has strong instincts and is a natural guardian. Many dogs want to chase the chickens. Sugar rarely did. Occasionally, she’d need a little correction.

Lately, I’ve noticed her chasing them but it seems like it’s when she hears something and is trying to get them back to their run.

Shortly after getting Sugar, I had the idea of writing a children’s book. My son writes fantasy novels so I thought why not. My first draft was rough but after several attempts, I was ready to find an illustrator.

Sugar and Jaxson

When Sugar was 1 year old, we added Jaxson. I knew eventually, she’s need help guarding the livestock. Jaxson isn’t as good with the chickens as Sugar. He likes to play with them which the chickens do not find fun at all!

To learn more about the children’s book, click on the link: