Sugar’s books are targeted at children ages 2-7 years of age. Of course, any child a little older or younger will enjoy them especially if you own a Great Pyrenees.
Each book features an educational “Did you know page” that has fun facts about livestock guardian dogs or other animals featured in the story.
With full-color illustrations on each page, your child is sure to love the books.
The first book in the series is Sugar the Chicken Dog. TheAdventures of a Livestock Guardian Dog.

This book is perfect for a young child. In the story, one of Sugar’s chickens goes missing and your child will love to follow on the journey as Sugar looks for her.
The second book is Sugar Goes to the Fair. The story continues with Sugar going to the Fair to check on the chickens. They’ve entered the poultry show and a fox has been spotted sneaking around. Sugar is anxious about the unfamiliar sounds and smells she encounters.

Other Book in the Series
Upcoming Books
In the Spring of 2022, Sugar Meets Lola, an Unexpected Guardian is about a Llama on the neighboring farm. Sugar has never seen a llama and thinks it’s a funny-looking creature. However, with a bobcat spotted a few miles away, she could use her help keeping an eye out on the farm animals. Lola’s feelings are hurt and she misses her family. What will Sugar do?
In the Fall of 2022, I’ve written a book about Sugar’s puppies. I’m not sure of the title, Sugar’s Babies get a Job or Baby Pyrs grow up. Hopefully, it comes to me.
Still in draft format is Hazel Hatches Chicks. I wrote this story after the first one but just couldn’t perfect it. Once the others are finished, I will revisit it.