In 2017, we decided to get backyard chickens. We aren’t able to have a rooster in the city limits and after losing a couple of chicks to a hawk, we decided to get a livestock guardian.
Sugar loves her chickens.
Meet our girls:
Trudy is our white Leghorn. If you are familiar with the old cartoon Foghorn Leghorn. That’s the type of chicken she is.
She’s our boss bird and at the top of the pecking order. Trudy alert’s the other girls if there is any sign of danger but she sure likes that Sugar is there to take care of anything.
Buttercup is a Golden Comet. She’s a sexlink and bred for egg-laying. She will lay over 300 eggs per year. She’s a great chicken and second in the pecking order.
Trixie is a Buckeye. She is our hunter and a dual-purpose bird, which means she can be used for egg-laying or meat. Buckeye’s are cold hardy with their pea comb so in the Texas summers, we have to be careful that she doesn’t get overheated. She likes to get in a bowl of water to cool off.
Trudy Buttercup Trixie
Hazel is a Gold Laced Wyandotte. She’s our Momma hen and goes broody every Spring. Hazel is also a dual purpose bird and will lay around 250 eggs per year.
Marble is a Barred Plymouth Rock, one of the oldest breeds of chickens. She’s our noisy girl. When I’m out doing chores, she’s right there with me. Talking and seeing what I’m doing.
Clara is our Easter Egger and lays olive-colored eggs. She’s a sweet bird and at the bottom of the pecking order. Because of this, she’s a little flighty and tends to get chased by Sugar.
Hazel Marble Clara
Sugar loves all the chickens. She works hard every day. If you are thinking about getting backyard chickens, be sure and check out my other blog, Simple Life with Chickens